This guy is not off on the right foot, by any stretch.
Read more at feeds.gothamistllc.comYou might think that a politician who gave up nearly a quarter of the votes in a slam-dunk election -- to a candidate who wasn't even backing the write-in campaign organized on his behalf, no less -- might want to be a little more conservative with his political capital. But Vince Gray appears to really be playing with fire so far. First, Gray held his victory party on Tuesday at a nightclub whose owner owes nearly $900,000 in back taxes. Then, Gray named Reuben Charles, whose frankly shoddy financial history has been widely documented, as the head of his transition team. And today, Gray reportedly didn't show up at the funeral of deceased MPD Officer Paul Dittamo -- leaving Fraternal Order of Police chief Kris Baumann, whose organization endorsed Gray in September's primary, "apoplectic." With nearly sixty days left to go before he is sworn in on January 2, Gray's hardly getting off to a flying start. [An update: it turns out that instead of attending the funeral, Gray chose to eat lunch with Kwame Brown at The Fourth Estate.]
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